Monday, October 15, 2018

How Sharing Your Daily Chores and Relationship Issues on Social Media can Help You Come out Stronger and with a Different Perspective

There are many people who argue that we are too hooked to social media to really notice the world around us. But if we look at the positive side, social media not just help us to connect with people but also helps us share frustrations and find help in difficult times. Think of the number of times someone known to you posted about their daily problems and relationship issues on social media and the range of responses of people eager to help. Social media can be a great boon in times of distress, depending on how you use it. There are clearly so many options available to us now when it comes to sharing our problems on social media.
Here are just a few examples that illustrate how social media helps us to cope with difficult times and gain mental strength:
daily chores
It helps us understand that we are not alone in our battle
It’s only when people share their problems on social media, they realize they are not alone in their problems. They are surprised to find out that many people on social networking sites have experienced those issues at some point in their lives. This realization usually brings about a feeling of relief to them. It helps them gain the understanding for perhaps the very first time in their life that many others have similar battles. For example: When we are deeply hurt by someone we love, let’s say a family member, we feel hurt, betrayed and depressed. And when such strong emotions cloud our mind, we often end up feeling all alone. It can be very lonely and frustrating if there’s no one to share your frustrations with. In such situations, talking to people online, hearing their stories and experiences make us feel better and stronger.
Learning helpful information
People on social networking sites can offer lots of practical tips and resources for dealing with identified concerns. You can also find many members on Indian social networking sites who share their success stories, tips, and strategies that helped them walk the path to happiness. There are many groups on social media that specifically focus on dealing with stress and practicing specific coping skills. This can be particularly very helpful for people struggling with mental health issues.
Express your feelings without any inhibitions
After you realize you aren’t alone in your battle, you can feel free to share frustrations within a safe and supportive environment. Safe and supportive social media platforms like Vent All Out will help you feel comfortable sharing your feelings and frustrations. This can be a very therapeutic and healing experience, particularly if you have no one to share your feelings with. You will find many users on this platform who will listen non-judgmentally and will praise you for your openness and courage.
Gain hope and positivity
When you see or read about other people on social media who have defeated their battles and made great strides toward having happier and healthier lives, you tend to feel more positive and motivated. These positive role models on Indian social networking sites show you that recovery is very much attainable. For example, A Youtuber started posting videos of her battle with cancer and her experience with chemotherapy. Very soon, users from across the globe were sharing their own stories with her. Some even blessed and appreciated her for helping so many people struggling with the dreaded disease. How comforting is that!
Share your problems anonymously
Some people seeking help may not want to make themselves known to others, – perhaps they have social anxiety, feel threatened or embarrassed to share frustrations, or are concerned about the stigma of the issue they are facing. Indian social networking sites like Vent All Out allows you to share your problems anonymously. This can be very helpful for reporting bullying at school, college, home or workplace. Recently, a medical student in India posted a video of ragging by his seniors on social media. This not just saved him the horror, but also helped him get massive support on social media and the right punishment for the culprits.
It helps improve social skills
When we are surrounded by problems, the first thing most of us do is withdraw from social situations. For example, in people dealing with depression, a common problem is the reluctance to talk to people closest to them about their problems. By meeting and talking with other social media users, we have a chance to practice social skills and interact more effectively with others. Indian social networking sites that allow you to share your problems anonymously provide a safe place to become comfortable around others once more.
Increased self-understanding
As you learn more effective ways to cope with stressful situations, you gain a better understanding of yourself. You understand your needs better and the unique abilities that make you so special. You can even gain better insights about the factors that might have contributed to your current problems and the strategies that seem to work the best to overcome them.
Helps you deal with everyday frustrations
Small everyday frustrations, like getting up late in the morning, quarrel with neighbors, traffic on the way to work, maid not showing up on time etc. can enormously increase our stress levels. The non-stop strains of life if not reduced can lead to various health issues and even untimely death. So, it’s very important to divert your attention from those problems and find solutions. When you vent out your frustrations online, it’s common that you will begin to notice a reduced level of discomfort and stress. You can even find some great solutions to your everyday problems.
You get a chance to help others in a similar situation
Just as you benefit from sharing frustrations on social media, you can also help other social media members dealing with the same problem as yours. By sharing your own battles and success stories on social media, you can help distressed people feel positive and motivated. When you help others, you feel even better about yourself. Many social media platforms, like Vent All Out, explicitly include the goal of helping others as a central component of their site’s mission.
Tips to get the best support from social media users
Take what you need, leave the rest: When you share your problems on Indian social networking sites, some people may reply with experiences of their own, or advice about what’s the best thing to do. This may sometimes leave you even more confused. So, only take the advice that makes sense to you, and leave the rest alone.
Be patient: Social media isn’t a magic cure for all your concerns. You have to be patient when discussing your problems with people online. Everyone has their own opinions and ways to deal with problems. So, respect everyone’s opinion and take the advice that you like.
Be respectful to other people: Don’t put down or disparage other people’s advice, opinions and experiences. You can counter someone else’s opinion without being rude and disrespectful.
Don’t believe everything you read: You shouldn’t believe everything you read on social media. Unfortunately, social media is also used by many people to spread misinformation. Therefore, it is always good to check the facts before you believe them. Remember, Google is always just a click away!
Suffering from life problems and relationship issues isn’t something you need to do alone. There are so many others out there who deal with the same problems every day. So, join a good and reliable Indian social networking site today to help yourself handle your problems better and learn the skills needed to live the best life possible.

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